Danby Community Church
"Adding to and Building up the Kingdom of God"
"Adding to and Building up the Kingdom of God"
Sunday Worship Celebration @ 10 am
Sunday Adult Education Class, books of Judges & Ruth @ 8:45am, starts Oct. 6
Sunday Youth Church @ 10:30am every other week
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Communion, Conversation and Prayer 5-6pm
Wednesdays, Live Music & Conversation @ 7pm
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Saturday, 8am
Women's Bible Study, Fridays @ 1pm
Sunday Adult Education Class, books of Judges & Ruth @ 8:45am, starts Oct. 6
Sunday Youth Church @ 10:30am every other week
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Communion, Conversation and Prayer 5-6pm
Wednesdays, Live Music & Conversation @ 7pm
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Saturday, 8am
Women's Bible Study, Fridays @ 1pm
Check out the MONTHLY CALENDAR for other events
Church Services Cancelled
until further notice
God's Grace and Peace to you all,
The disruption caused by the corona virus to the world's systems, which so many trusted for hope and happiness, is as we write this driving people to despair and hopelessness. The faith we placed on false prosperity has been shattered. It is easy to point fingers and criticize but it doesn't do a bit of good. For many folks a lifetime of work is posed to collapse. The illusion of being indispensable evaporates in a moment. Perspective is exchanged for panic. People forfeit common sense in a rush to build toilet paper forts of solitude. The END is upon us!
Or is it?
Our forefathers and mothers knew something our culture has forgotten: this world, other people, ""mother nature" doesn't care what we want.
Life doesn't always have a happy ending, We are not living in a Hallmark movie! The highest goal for a fulfilled life is not to be entertained and possess the latest tech toy and games. Life is not fair. We will be forgotten in the passage of time.
That is the reality of the world but it isn't the reality of the Kingdom of God. We will cancel church services but we will not forfeit God's presence and peace. As people trusting in Jesus Christ our vision should look beyond a false scenario painted by the world.
We will do what we can and follow the Lord's leading to the best of our ability. Things won't be the way they always were, but so what? We will pray and support one another and that is what really counts. Eventually the world will find a new normal. This virus will pass into history. The world will go on with or without us. We will service our friends and neighbors. This is our time to be a witness of calm and hope.
The world refuses to see the Kingdom of God but the Kingdom of God always sees the kingdom of the world. Our job is to open the eyes of the blind.
Do not fall to despair and fear. This is a special time to be alive and you are part of a very special people. Be careful, use common sense and follow good advice. Wash your hands! Always be ready to tell people why you have hope no matter what things may look like in this world. Pray ceaselessly and never forget that you are an eternal child of the most high God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We will meet again! We will overcome through Jesus Christ.
Pastor Ed
Pastor Ed will be at the church on Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6pm for prayer
Happy 200th Anniversary Danby Church!
May 1st
Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday, May 22
1pm - 6pm
Christian Education |
Serving GOD